Hey, How’s It Goin?
Where have all the flower’s gone gone gone into the throng no no the thong! my toes are all wrong this isn’t the song that we could be long because there’s no prong in the game of the pong which we hate to prolong because of oblong which is never going to be the style of rooster that sits in the tree oobla dee can’t you see there’s just nothing going to be ending up there because it’s inside the outside of the entrance just after the exit so no one can find me hee heee! Safe in my hidden space no one to find safe in my little cave peace I can find … no can’t use find, I just used find! can’t use it twice!! nooo!!! ahhh!!! the universe is collapsing because my poetry is crapsing! but never never never sing about crapsing because then all the puppies will be so very very sad! only sing of hapsing! only ever sing of hapsing! which is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS if you stop and think about it, which I highly do NOT recommend because the status quo is going to be as rapisinal as the … yes that’s a word! see, here, dictionary.michelle.com defines it right here! well, ok up there, in the words up there where you just read, aren’t you paying ANY attention WHATSOEVER?!?! I am distraught in dismay! it’s all over! the toast has leapt from the toaster oven and landed … yes toast can leap from a toaster oven! there’s a tiny mouse inside and when the mouse gets too hot, it sends the toast flying! it’s a perfect system for making toast and … of COURSE the mouse washes his hands first, what do you think this is, the circus!?!?!
I am incensed! The circus has lions and giraffe’s and bendy people doing bendy things that require a man leaping from the heights down into a 1ft pool of water while guessing your weight and omg I am SO BORED how can you read this?!?! bored bored bored light as a feather, stiff as a board when will you float up in magic accord? 1 2 3 4 when do we get to go by the lake and buy us some jake who holds up the rake and … no jake is not a person! sheesh! jake is a scarecrow sturdy and tall whipping the whimsy of things great and small frothing it up to a nice foamy boil serving it outright to you the royal … yes that rhymes, get your pronunciation hat on straight and act like a laddie who can’t be a caddie because it’s all shaddy inside of the paddy wagon is for paddy’s and misfits who can’t see where they’re going because of the blindfold and they get lost behind the wilderness of the scenic tourist hunt where curious creatures watch concealed in the dimming of the daylight as we all go to sleep …. omg NO NO NO do NOT go to sleep! it’s morning! wake uP! get GOING! early light! dawn of night! seek the enchantment! of the new day! in every way! get goodness in full! while you conquor the …
I have no idea what you want to conquor, if anything, you probably just want to have a fun happy enjoyable day and here I am foisting unwanted missions on you … so sorry I’m such a zarry!
love & hugs & slimey slugs,
– Michelle can’t you tell? I have thousands of … yes there’s “hell” in my name … thousands of well’s!
well if you …
well what if …
well I think …
well … oh well … my hat fell in the well … no no, we NEVER use the “c” word! shhhhh!!
it was such a great hat!
black shiny tall tophat
and now it’s gone
omg, what am I DOING?!@?!?
slobbering all over your note with my tears
your happy good morning have a great day note!
I shall say goodbye to my lovely hat using all my meditation releasing attachment techniques, you know, the ones I’m so very attached to! and I’M going to have a happy fun enjoyable day!
You? do whatever you want, whatever you please, whatever you …
have a ______ day!