Hey, How’s It Goin?
The end is nigh. Foresake all ye beginnings for the end is neither here nor there, it’s everywhere! End the fussle, drink the tea, swim the channel, sting the bee. Whenceforth ye wander, seize the day, forth to ponder, show the way. These words declare, and you doth send, all your panties, home to mend.
I cannot express how critical wind is to the solar day. Wind is how the earth spins. Without wind, we all die. I’m telling you it’s true. I read it on the internet. Just now as I was typing it. Solar Wind spins the globe. I know they say it’s the heated metal core, but why is the ground cold? Utter nonsense I say! Solar wind hits the aurora and spins us around like the flick of a finger spins a top. You just can’t see the Solar Finger because its infra-visible to the clothed eye.
In any case, there is no case. We’ve turn it into a lovely cardboard box with tangerine drawers painted on the side to keep it from the voracious clutches of gravity. She’s quite the enticing element. The Woo’s say to ground but gravity has me so grounded I can’t even fly! It’s preposterous how grounded to this planet I am without even trying. You’d think I was made of helium the way the Woo’s keep telling me to ground.
Ground and Center. Well, centrifical force has me centered without an ounce of my permission. Telling me to do things being done to me without my consent is sheer madness I tell you, sheer madness!
I am. I am. I am.
Which leads me to my latest conspiracy theory – the soul is the spirit and the spirit is helium and that’s why you float up instead of down when you leave you body to go wandering around on the ceiling like a madman looking for bugs. You’d think you’d do something more productive with your out of body time, like wander over to mars and discover something that blows NASA’s mind.
Grounded like Helium, my friend, that is how you have lucid dreams.
Out of Lucid Body Dreams,
take THAT Woo clan
and let your chakra’s free!
love & hugs & floating slugs,
~ Melium C. Belium a.k.a. The Grounded Solar Wind
I am a scientific genius! Bow at my genius feet! All ye shall declareth worship of my brilliant genius mind! My science is so far advanced, the silly fools think ME the fool!