Hey, How's It Goin?

Hey, How’s It Goin?

There is un in the rest and that makes resunt which is only part way to the restaurant which is where I am now.  My apologies for missing our lunch.  The thick peanut butter seemed the perfect exquisit complement to the running water in the Bronx.  Whenceforth ye shall haveth undulating fiddlesticks of fantastical brilliance.  I swear it, good Sir, I swear it shall be done.  And that’s how you end up in the toilet with a toothbrush trying to fail the spider swimming.  Poppycock!  That’s perposterous!  Oh ye of petulence and mordor sifting through the galavanting grievances of Grotterville.  Of with their tiny spider breads!  They have stolen all the peanut butter and tried to kill the king.  Epi pens be damned, they were headed in the night whilst ye sleepeth.

And don’t even get me started on the miles of tons of concrete saturating the doyles of … doils?  doyiles? … doylie?  no no! not lacy things she’s been missin!  What is wrong with your brain?!  Just because it’s not on the internet doesn’t mean it’s not true.  Stop derailing the message with your word presaucity!  The tools of the precise are the daggers of Hedgemony and Ruin.  I tell you all the, all the time!  Hedgehogs want all your money.

I hope you’re happy now!

Come on.
Get Happy!

Be it as if it were innately yours and you have known nothing else from within this moment.

or not

if that makes you happy


gotchat 🙂

love & hugs & miraculous mugs,

~ mIcHelLe