I never met you, but someone did.

I never met you, but someone did.

I never knew your valor, your fear, your wounds, or your struggle, but someone did.

I never knew your life, or even of your death, but someone did.

Someone knew you, someone cared, someone missed you when war ripped you from their arms of connection.

I don’t know how to honor your life this Memorial Day, but someone does. And I know you are deep in their hearts full of love, and perhaps still in their hearts mourning the loss of your presence.

So thank you for giving up your life when my country asked you to step into the Warrior’s Role and you met that challenge with everything you had.

(Memorial day thoughts spontaneously arose.) (end of article)

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The Day The Stars Disappeared

We looked to the sky, but all the stars had gone away.

The first call was to NASA. All sleeping.

The second call was forbidden. We knew this. But we needed data, so we dialed. The ringing engaged. It felt like a 1982 landline with no answering machine. Forever ringing to a non-responsive room on the other end of time.

“They weren’t expecting a call,” the cosmonaut’s thick accent surprising our ears.

“We’re sorry to disturb the important work going on,” Commander Gerome replied, “We have a bit of an alarming situation down here on earth. I realize you work for Russia but do you have a moment to check on something for us?”   . . .

crop of an Original Photo by:
Dimitri on Unsplash

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