Hey, How's It Goin?

Hey, How’s It Goin?

The sky grey dark.  Yes, I said grey, skies don’t grow they stay the exact same size!  The sky grey’d, the CLOUDS grew dark.  My pretty fluffy happy clouds transmorphed into “a darkeness fell over the land” except it wasn’t really “darkness” … “a greyness fell over the land” except it didn’t fall … it befell … “greyness befell the luscious land craving the light, craving the rain, wanting it all, receiving whevever is given, making due …” oh dear that is the longest song title ever.  It’s so long it’s the whole song!  Shall I wing it for you?  oh dear, sing keeps typing wing, this NEVER happened back in pencil land!  my trust pen just flowed and flowed and tried to keep up with every thought in my pretty big head … pretty little reads SOO differently thatn pretty big … pretty noose is pretty hate … Dear Soundgarden, why on EARTH did you take such a catchy tune and make me sing such twisted lyrics?!?!  Blame Chris.  I can’t.  Chris has left the building.  Asshole.  Still can’t believe that asshole is gone.  Fucker kept me ALIVE for years.  Still angry about that.  But this isn’t my “dear whiny journal” this is “hey how’s it goin?’  you never answer. You don’t know how either.  It just keeps going until it’s done going and everything pauses in slow motion and ends at the edge of the sidewalk where all the monsters live.  Sorry so glum chum.   I got a grey cloud pressurizin the air above my head and it’s teaming up with gravity to push and pull me down into a puddle of mess on the floor by the door where there’s more paper tore and she wore all the gore on the floor by the door see what you made me do pretty grey clouds?  I’m wearing floor gore!  ewwww!!!!

New line new time be sublime green coconuts and ???? never knew what on earth dude was singing so I just sang random consonants and vowels and pretended … shhhh!  don’t tell!  I’ll get in trouble!  I was supposed to know them not show them!  is it time to yo them? yo yo toy from the 70’s but back to my lime flavored coconuts that you commanded NEVER to sub because under the stairs is a bad bad place to sit under a lime tree they will drop on your head and give you green hair!  green hair is the WORST thing you could EVER have because it means a lime dropped on your head!  never be sub lime ever ever never ever maybe always future yes’ing can’t you tell I’m always guessing?  when you leap and have a frown gravity will take you down

love & hugs & slimey slugs,

– M i c hell e